Category Archive: Dead Presidents

Dead Presidents: Heath Ledger

There was a point in time where Heath Ledger questioned everyone. When he and a man kissed on screen. Not to prove a point or to ignite a political uproar of sorts, but… Continue reading

Dead Presidents: 555-PREZ Basquiat

The Citizen managed to catch up  with Basquiat who spoke with us from his NoHo art studio on Great Jones Street in Brooklyn, New York. There’s a lot of shuffling on the other… Continue reading

Dead Presidents: Aaliyah

It’s 9:30 pm over the natural Bahama islands on flight Cessna 402B – N8097W. Our team at The Cartoon Citizen have been trying to get an hour with Aaliyah for some time, but… Continue reading

Dead Presidents: Alexander McQueen

From reptiles to ancient mythology , Alexander McQueen’s ability to take inspiration and transform it into magnificently tailored clothing each season had astounded the world. His abundance in knowledge, willingness to take risks… Continue reading

Dead Presidents: Tupac Shakur

It’s Las Vegas Nevada and after rendering an electrifying performance in the heart of Las Vegas Tupac Shakur is sitting down with us in the Southern University Medical Center to discuss the motives… Continue reading

Our Dead Presidents

If you could speak to anyone beyond the dead, who would it be? A family member, close friend or perhaps an icon? Here at the Cartoon Citizen we took up this question and… Continue reading